Mattersey Thorpe Village Sign


The Parish Council is consulted by Bassetlaw District Council on all planning applications relating to the parish.  These are considered at the monthly Parish Council meetings and a response is agreed.  Residents can also make their individual comments through the District Council website where they can also view details of all applications: 

December 2022

Green Pastures, who own Mattersey Hall, have set up a page on their website giving their initial ideas for the development of the field at the side of their Hall together with their reasons for the plans. As stated in their documents they are keen to include the community and welcome views. It might be useful for any comments which you send to them are copied in to the Parish Council so that Councillors are aware of opinions both in favour, neutral and against. The link to the website is . Our email address is

Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan for Mattersey and Mattersey Thorpe has been adopted by Bassetlaw District Council.  To view the plan please refer to their website: or